Saturday, March 29, 2014

On the ending of Kill la Kill

*sniff* I'm gonna miss this anime.


I haven't posted in forever! So long time no see!
I have no excuse for my absense, other than netflix( I'll just leave it at that).

So, first, I'll go ahead and give some life updates:
* I got into a girl's rock camp in NY!!!!! This will be my first time ever in the big city!
*Next month, I'll be testing for my 4th degree black belt in MMA!
*The quarter is almost over, and I'm freaking out.
* I plan to post more often... I'm gonna start posting reviews of music, movies, anime, manga, fashion. I may also post more life updates.


The Glorification of Depression and Self-harm

*This is a paper I wrote for English, and I liked it (for the most part) So I thought I'd post it on here
** There are some painful clincher and topic sentences, so I understand if you aren't able to bear it.

Friday, March 7, 2014


Photos are from Tumblr, Urban Bush Babes, and Yagazie webezine. I do not own any of these photos.