After a very long shower, I came up with this conclusion.
Sherlock Holmes is the Human of Humans.
Yes, this is all very confusing. But allow me to explain.
Sherlock Holmes is a smart, competitive human being, right?
But what is he competing for?
You see, we as humans are always racing to be better than someone else. But how can any of us really be better than someone else? How can that even be defined? being better than someone.
Who are we to decide what makes someone better than someone else? Sherlock Holmes goes around, trying to impress using his knowledge, but I don't think Sherlock Holmes is on the spiritual level of it all.
What do you get by showing someone else you're smarter than them?
Well, individuality, an aspect we as humans desire.
But really, by trying to show off, by trying to prove you are individual, you are just adding to the fact that you are the same.
So that is my thoughts on this fictional character.
I think I'll sleep now.
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